Tuesday, June 30, 2009

First things First

I guess a bit of housekeeping at the outset is in order. Often when you go for a seminar or such similar events the presenter or the organizer of such a gathering normally begins by showing you where the fire exits are and where the nearest toilets are. (I usually figure out where the toilets are, well before )
I am off course not going to tell you where the nearest toilets are but I will tell you what blog this blog us all about. is up to.
Well i figured out that i have been going out there and joggging and sometimes exercising on a weekly basis, (yes Shiroch exercising!) but i thought i could share with you the trials and tribulations of this self chosen hobby.I have been doing this sot of thing for about 4 years now. I am 36 years of age at present. In footballing terms at this age, I would be lucky to get a 1 year contract! I am at that stage where i will happily accept a contract for 3 months to help a team avoid relegation!

So how does Joe Blogger who has a day job like everyone else manage to juggle family life with jobbing, jogging and blogging?

Join me in my quest to find out if this possible, as I narrate on a regular basis about my journey.

For now i will leave you looking at my latest 20km run which i completed last sunday. You can look at the same run from another angle if you prefer the detail. Will provide the other link once the that site is back on line.