Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dublin Half Marathon 2009

I haven't blogged in a while. Its not that there was nothing happening but its rather that things got a bit busy.
Today it was the day for the Dublin Half Marathon in the Phoenix Park. Lovely setting and scene as usual. The weather was not bad at all. Slightly on the warmer side but it was much closer to the athlete's ideal of marathon weather than than the other way round.

I think probably the participants were close to 7500! Despite the numbers the organization was superb.
I have not trained very much in the past 3 or so weeks. I was down with a cold one week and I right knee pain. The pain came about after i attempted a 30km run just to see if I have what it takes to complete a full marathon.

Back to today's half marathon, i started off relatively OK. I started off a t a steady pace. i give credit to one of the competitors whom i stuck to like glue. The man had a nice and steady pace which was a little more than what I am used to during my training. The guy pushed me hard for the first 5 or so km before I started to loose pace.
That start helped to finnish the race under 2 hours as planned. I have to admit the last half of the race was a huge struggle. I soldiered on up to the finish line.

as I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs psychology is very important and it hugely influences whether you finish the race as planned. I had to deal with the feeling of worthlessness when other athletes endlessly stream past me as my pace declined when fatigue set in.
I take a bow to the man and women much older than myself who finished ahead of me. Indeed I also say hats off to all participants who completed the race and those who did not finish for one reason or the other.

I do hope I will be well enough to attempt the next big one. the 2009 Dublin Marathon.

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