Saturday, April 3, 2010

Connect Garmin Fitness Application Now Embedding Maps

Its good to see that Garmin have updated their Fitness Application. You can now see all the summary of an activity on one page.
On the left side you will see tabulated data of items like, total time of an activity, Heart Rate statistics, cadence,elevation and summary of laps. On the right side the website now features all the graphs of the tabulated data which appears on the left side. Certainly a great improvement.

The coolest change is the addition of the embedded GPS maps. So now its easier to post a map of one's run on his/her own website as shown below.

This has been one of the lacking features in an otherwise perfect application. Now there is no need for bloggers to redirect you to the Garmin website to view an activity map. If one wants to view the details, they simply click the view details button below the embedded activity map.

The changes on Connect Garmin also apply to previous activity posts. For Instance when I participated in the Dublin Marathon I used the old Connect Garmin web application to collate my run data. I can now go back to that post, copy the embedded map and paste in on my edited publication of Dublin City Marathon post- Taming The Beast.

Well done Garmin

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