Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What I would like to see in the new Iphone 4

We have now come to expect Apple to announce a new Iphone in June each year. All the last 3 versions of the Iphone where announced in June in each subsequent year.
We have come to expect that each new hardware will carry some new features. The new Iphone 4.0 Operating System has already been released to developers.
The iPhone has thus far been a revolutionary device which brought about a different way of doing the same things. We have seen the maturing of the touch screen with the Iphone; the simplicity of operating a smartphone and the bringing together of hundreds of applications into one device.
There are a number of fitness applications available in the online Itunes Apple store. Most of these applications can do with an extra addition of hardware- heart rate monitor. Heart Rate monitor is a vital tool for both professional and casual sports and fitness enthusiasts. Combined with availability of GPS, vital activity statistics can be collected and put to good use. One can analyse the impact of their training methods, monitor progress and plan future programmes. GPS which stands for Global Positioning System is a widely used system that determines one's exact position on earth at any one point in time.
It would be nice to have an Iphone that would have compatibility with a Bluetooth Heart rate monitor. I can think of more than a dozen fitness applications which can benefit from such a development. Such technology is not without precedence. Nokia N79 is sold as a bundle with a Bluetooth compatible Polar heart rate monitor.

The technology exists. How great it would be to see such functionality on the Iphone.
It's a pity I don't think such technology will be appropriate for the Ipad. Certainly you wouldn't want to run a mile with an Ipad under your arm! Having said that I hasten to say, 'you never know'!

So if Steve Jobs is reading this article there goes my wish. I am sure many other Iphone users who are into sports and fitness will agree.
Staying with health and fitness what other features would you like to see in the new Iphone.

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