Wednesday, July 15, 2009

5 Mile Marathon Part 3

Phoenix park is the largest urban green park in Europe. This is the venue of the next 5 mile marathon that is scheduled for the 18th of July 2009.
I thought i will have a final preparation practice on the venue of the marathon. So i headed off to the park straight after work to practice on the match venue as football teams team when they visit a another team's home ground.

I thought I studied the route map well but i was slightly off the mark.

However I still managed to do roughly 5 miles and the results where not so bad. The second lap is quite challenging because you have a steep incline. the incline is quite steep that an old bus or truck will have to change down the gear to number 2 or 3.

The heart rate jumped to an unprecedented 179 bits per minute. I guess I was pushing a bit too hard. Funny though most other fellow runners i met where going the opposite direction. I do hope I did not get the directions wrong.
I was roughly 15 seconds slower than on during Part 2 training.

Having received my race number and the time chip i guess i am ready for the challenge. Theoretically I am should cross the finish line!

Total Tally now stands at 42km

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