Thursday, July 9, 2009

Preparation for 5 Mile Marathon

This coming Sartuday the 18 July 2009, is the day of the Lifestyle Sports - adidas Irish Runner 5 Mile in the Phoenix Park, Dublin Ireland. My plan it to try that out. It's going to be my first marathon ever in my 36 years of existance on this earth.

I first need to recieve my Marathon numbers and time chips from the organizers. Time is running out! I will be waiting impatiently for the post man to duly deliver unto Realbigdhara what belongs to Bigdhara. If the postman fails to do so in time then all my preparations where in vain. I would have to hope that the organizers may organize something for me on the big day.

My muscles where aching from last Friday' s 10 km run. So yesterday I decided to do some Yoga stretches laced with a bit of isotonic exercises. I felt that I should not train very hard the week before the marathon. Am trying to be like the 5 biblical virgins who were well prepared for the for the Master. Don't know if this strategy will work. It remains to be seen.

I like to work out using the Iphone Application, Fit Builder which I find to be very well organized and is great for self training.
Together with that I usually log my vital statistics with another Iphone application Absolute Fitness which gives allows me to track my weight, Body Mass Index, fat calories burnt during workouts, and other vital statistics.

I am hoping I will be able to carry my usual staff to the race. I will need my Garmin 405 Forerunner GPS Watch complete with the heart rate monitor to ensure I won't overdo it, my music by Tongai Moyo ( Nemumvura mese),
and not least my two legs.

The plan is to cross the Finish line at whatever cost!! Bring it on!

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